Thursday 24 May 2012

Noah and the Ark

English Assignment

This comic strip, created by Daniel and Robert, is a reference to the extinction of dinosaurs and the Biblical character Noah. This comic strip is about Noah’s ark and how Noah loaded all the animals onto his ship. Our comic strip suggests that Noah did not load the dinosaurs onto the ark because the dinosaurs did not add him on Facebook. It was very hard to think of something funny that wasn’t slap stick. Many times we thought of funny jokes, but they all involved inappropriate humour or somebody getting hurt/insulted. We decided that our project needs to be smart with lots of ideas that can make people think of these events and giggle a little. We chose to do this comic strip because it relates to historical, religious and current events in a very clever fashion. It was very hard to decide on the topic and how we were going to produce something that is in the category of Comedy of Ideas. Our comic is a comedy of ideas. In order to understand the joke you need to be familiar with endeavors of Noah and fact that dinosaurs are extinct. This comic strip makes you think, thinking is usually associated with ideas…therefore our comic strip s a comedy of ideas. The main idea we are trying to instill into the reader is that certain historical and biblical events do not match up. We are mocking the fact that Noah was supposed to save all the animals but he did not save the poor dinosaurs simply because they did not have him on Facebook. The comic is very ironic because the whole race of Dinosaurs all extinct simply because of a Facebook request. Perhaps this is a metaphor for what happens if you do not have Facebook today: you are not able to express your ideas easily or communicate with others effortlessly…if you do not have you will be left behind and your ideas will be outdated.

Thursday 17 May 2012


My book, Spud, is most likely slapstick with elements of farce in it. The book is about a boy in South Africa right before the release of Nelson Mandela. Spud, the boy’s name, is getting ready for his first day at a boarding school. This book is slapstick because there are many incidents of angry older students giving undeserved revenge to the youngest grades. There are many awkward incidents that the members of the youngest grade manage to wriggle out of in a hilarious fashion. For example there is a boy whose nick name is Fatty that supposedly ways more than 300 pounds. Fatty manages to get stuck in a window while trying to attempt a highly illegal night swim with his fellow dorm mates. In the morning when the headmaster is raging and is starting to look for his cane the students come up with an excuse: Fatty was stuck in the chapel window because he had a sudden revelation in the middle of the night. Even though the headmaster knew they were lying he didn’t want to wreck Bishops moment of happiness so they didn’t get in trouble. Spud is mostly slapstick, but the way it is presented makes it much funnier then slapstick. I find Spud to be a funny book because it is written in the style of a diary and from the perspective of a boy my age. A lot of the problems that Spud goes through during the course of the book are the same problems that I have gone through during my life, but over exaggerated. The way that John Van de Ruit, the author, describes Spuds problems makes it very amusing. All the characters in the book are over exaggerated in the book, for example Spuds grandma keeps saying that a robber stole her yogurt and left 5 dollars on her table. Spuds dad is a crazy lunatic who is constantly scared that there are black people hiding in bushes and after the release of Nelson Mandela he transforms his house into a military bunker with curfews. Spud is funny because it made me realize how stupid and funny my problems are.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Beiber Writes a New Song

 Today Justin Beiber announced a new album. He claims that it will contain at least one full sentence and more than 15 words. This announcment was met with tears from fans, "Oh my god, I'm so sad... This albums is going to be sooo bad...and how am I going to remember all the words?!"- mumbles Taylor Agden, in between sobs, a dedicated Beiber fan. " I hope that having more words in my song will make me more popular among the dudes!!", says Justin.  Our sources tell us that Beiber is not just going to be singing about his baby but also about his roses. "This is shocking, I have tested him personally and have come to the conclusion that he only knows twelve words... Maybe he has had a concussion??", says the world renowned psychiatrist Ryan Andrews.  Stay tuned while we try to find some more words from his song.